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I remember many years ago getting an issue of the GIJoe comic, (the old Marvel series) that was focused on Snake Eyes and was completely silent. There were maybe a couple sound effects, but no dialogue. And it was such a wild idea, so out there for a young guy. Now it's been done lots of times, and we've done many pages in the past that were 'silent'. But every time it's neat to look at it and just slow down and really 'read' it. When you take the words away, I think it forces you to slow down and really take in what's happening.
Or maybe I'm just pre-emptively trying to stop the complaints that nothing happens.
4 thoughts on “Dressed For Success Page 54”
I like the idea of a silent comic, and I agree it does force you to sit down and really ‘read’ the panels to figure out what is going on.
Though I’m not sure I understand this one. Possibly because this is my first time looking at your comic.
Well first off, welcome! You’ve got a little over 50 pages to catch up on, but here’s the quicky re-cap:
Our heroes, Alex and Walter, are working as couriers. While delivering a package to Jay and Celeste they are attacked by large robot things and escape with Jay and Celeste in tow. The mysterious package they were delivering leads them to the home of an old friend and colleague of Jay and Celeste’s where they find him missing.
The story is beginning in theatre two just down the hall here.
Tom Blake
As a reader, I disagree. I remember one episode where Alex and Walter were in a cab, went through a drive through and got KFC. Slow moving and no story.
You guys knows i am a fan, so please don’t be put off by my statements. What I really, really, really loved was the movie covers, and smart homages to pop culture references. And at the heart of it all is a very unique creation that you guys made.
Mayve Walt and Al had a “bromance” before the word was coined!
But we’re still doing movie parody images, we just don’t have covers in cyberspace! That’s why we did all those posters before the story started. (and if you want to see them again, go to the home page and use a certain fighting combo.)
And there’s at least four pop culture references we’re playing on in this story so far, the fifth, well, Jeff is doing that page this week. E-eee-vil Woman!
As for bromance, I’m not sure I completely get that term, but I think you are right that it would fit Alex and Walter. I’ve always referred to there adventures as a buddy story or road movie in reference to the old Bing and Bob films.
Hang in there Tom, you know Alex and Walter, it won’t stay quiet for long.
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