The Power of Lux – Page 3

And then there were three.

So Egesta Comics was trundling along, doing it's thing, but we had met other creative people, interested in doing comics. And we thought, well, why not help them out and become a publisher of other comics besides DFS. One of those people was Greg Beettam, who created a comic called Mightier Than the Sword, a fantasy series about a down and out guy named Kel who gets a magic sword.

Greg also began to do some bits and bobs on DFS with this issue, specifically background characters. In the second panel of this page you will actually see the back of Kel, Bugs Bunny and, well a clown. Greg also helped us move to using stronger areas of solid black.

Also on this page, a poster for Donny and the Amazing Chest Hair. At the time, Donny Osmond was making a big splash playing the lead in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

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