Dressed For Success – page 101

I know Jeff was worried about the drowning Yup-Yup in panel three when we wrote this sequence, but I think it came out funny rather than mean. Let's just all agree that he doesn't die. In other news, there's this whole Google+ thing, and I've personally been checking it out since launch and found it really interesting for creative people. Some great conversations, learning opportunities and people sharing.  Well Monday they opened up G+ for non persons, so I've begun setting up a Dressed For Success account there. Not sure how many of you out there are on the Google, but if you are, come circle us. Facebook's recent changes have seemingly caused our posts to not show up for people, and it's only ever been so-so for us. For now, I think we'll run in tandem, but we will see.  

3 thoughts on “Dressed For Success – page 101

  1. And yes, there doesn’t seem to be a notice through Facebook for this page. *shakes fist!*

  2. Yes, DROWN, you filthy… what’re those robot thingies called again?

  3. We haven’t given them a name in the comic itself but we lovingly refer to them as Yup Yups.

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