Dressed For Success – page 77

And with that the villains win. Hooray! And now you know what Irwin and Celeste saw. (Everybody scrambles back to look at those video stills)


So last weeks contest was a wash. I guess not many of you are Facebook fans. Very well, we'll try again. Leave us a comment below and I'll randomly choose one person a week from now. They'll get MY copy of the original Fletch novel, (movie tie in cover) and I'll do an original sketch for you as well. See, nobody won last week, so now we roll the prize over and increase the pot. - Chris

3 thoughts on “Dressed For Success – page 77

  1. I remember reading Fletch and Fletch Lives in high school – I enjoyed the books much more than the movies.

  2. I have a holds on them at the library, gonna re-read as many as I can get hold on once they come in.

  3. your a mean one missus grinch!

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