Dressed For Success – Page 152

Why can't we all just get along?! Oh, right, they're bounty hunters. Looks like Gungaii's got the upper hand on Fete. I gotta say, having the extra time on these pages has been good, there's a lot more fiddling with the colour than what I was doing during the Mississauga Jay storyline. Are you liking the increased detail? Hey, could you do us a favour? Over to the right are the links for Facebook and such, and right below them is a little like icon for inkOutbreak, a great site for discovering and reading webcomics. That like tally is a daily thing and a few extra clicks for DFS can go a long way towards more people discovering our work. You can sign in to ink using Facebook or Twitter, so it's not a laborious process. They have also implemented some sort of incentive system, but things are changing daily so I'm not yet sure how that works. We'll see about coming up with some sort of treat for giving us a thumbs up. While you're at it, treat yourself to a visit to DFS Retro where we've started Issue 20 this week. It continues the dreams from Issue 19 and features the first appearance of some familiar bounty hunters.

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