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Annnnnnd we're back! For those who thought it was odd to end the last story with Alex and Walter staggering ashore and collapsing, this is why. It was a risky decision, and we may have upset some readers, but the plan all along was to have them separated and then have their past catch up to them. We hope you stick with us to see how that works out. HINT. Not good for Alex and Walter.
8 thoughts on “Dressed For Success – Page 122”
I’m really looking forward to more of this new storyline. I was getting a little tired of some of the more cliché characters, so this is a nice change of pace. Love the art, as always.
I’m curious about the word cliché. We were trying to replicate the various types of characters you find in an Indiana Jones movie. In a lot of ways, they are all clichés. But yes, we are now able to do more of our own thing, and I think you’ll enjoy the rest of the supporting cast as they are introduced.
I’m sure it was just my personal taste/misconceptions, but the other characters just didn’t feel as ‘alive’; like they were trying too hard to fit a role, instead of being natural. I’m sure it was just me, though. And I’m sorry if I came off as nitpicky, I really do love your comic.
Don’t apologize Zibodiz you have a right to your opinion. We appreciate that you are enjoying the comic even though some of the characters in the first story didn’t seem to resonate with you as much.
As Chris mentioned the first story was meant to play out very much like an Indiana Jones adventure so there wasn’t much room to deviate from the character types and story beats. But the new story brings our main characters Alex and Walter back in the forefront and is getting back to a more original storyline that references characters and story elements from our original mini comics run.
If you aren’t reading it already you can check out the earlier stories as they are put online at Dressed for Success Retro.
Rene Kita
Page 121 appears to be missing or unreachable both from 120 and the archive.
That aside, I’m enjoying your comic.
Finding the Galaxy Invader from the B movie of the same name making a guest appearance quite made my day.
Uh oh. I’ll have a look at that, how weird!
Jeff and I were watching Galaxy Invader with the Rifftrax and realised part way through we HAD to include the invader in DFS. We hadn’t confirmed the other bounty target and agreed this would be a fun choice.
Hmmmm. I seem to find it okay.
Rene Kita
Yup, works fine today. Random gremlin in the system, I guess. Thanks.
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