Hello World!

No really, Hi!

Welcome to Egesta Comics, or more importantly, welcome to Dressed For Success and the adventures of Alex Corbett and Walter Andrewkowski. It really is exciting to be back at it after all this time. Not that it doesn’t come with some trepidation. But once we started talking and the ideas started, it all felt very familiar and we were soon having fun and coming up with more ideas than we’ll ever be able to get too.

If you aren’t familiar with Egesta Comics and Dressed For Success, there’s a quick run down of our History as well as some tidbits about us on the aptly named  About Us page. After you discover that we’ve done a whole bunch of stories previously in print, you’re going to ask, “But how will I know what’s gone before?” Well, you can read a quick summary of What Has Come Before, or take the plunge and order some of our wares. And for even more details, you can consult the ever growing Who’s Wha? listings.

After all that, go and pee. Then come back and get ready for the new adventures of Alex and Walter. We hope you have as much fun as we do.


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