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Dressed For Success – Page 204

Wanna play a game? Try and count how many times Alex and Walter have been captured during their time together.

C'mon, do we really think this is the end for our guys?

Okay, they might.

Webcomics Walkabout: Rock, Paper, Cynic

One of the most awesome things about webcomics is all it really takes to make one is the decision to make one. Then you set yourself up with a website and start posting. Oh I know this is also seen as one of the worst things about webcomics, but I’m trying to bring you good stuff here.Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: The Intrepid Girlbot

I met Diana Nock at TCAF. Sadly, it was late on the second day and I was pretty much spent out. But she offered to take my last cash for a copy of her first collection of The Intrpeid GirlBot and I’m very glad she did.Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Project Ballad

I’m not sure Project is the right term for this comic. I think Enterprise Ballad might be more fitting because this seems like something big. Really big. So big that in everything so far presented I can’t even begin to get a handle on just what this project is about.Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Space Kid

We’re going back this week. Back in a retro sense, but also a bit of history. John MacLeod’s Space Kid is a throwback. And a self-aware one at that. If you enjoy 50?s science fiction, Astro Boy or rocket ships and ray guns, then you are gonna love Space Kid. The titular hero is as advertised. A sci-fi hero kid. A pre-teen saving the galaxy from pirate , robots and aliens. It’s one of those kid friendly stories that adults love as well.Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Specimen B28

This time we’re going out of this world. While at Wizard World I ran into Stephen Daymond whose work I had noticed before but hadn’t followed up on.Specimen B28 is a little bit 70?s UFO culture, a little bit Tripping the Rift and a bit Douglas Adams, all wrapped up in a package reminiscent of old Nelvana movies.Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Vengador

So an area I haven’t wandered into is webcomics doing what print comics have all sealed up. Superheroes. It’s a tough area, when you have a whole industry that is focused in on that one genre. You are putting yourself out there up against work that is done by very talented professionals who do this for a living. And anyone doing a superhero webcomic  is quite probably doing it with an eye to making the switchover to ACTUALLY drawing their favourite hero. It’s like an audition piece. With that in mind, let’s take a look at Vengador. Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Boumeries

On Sunday my walkabout took me to the Toronto Wizard World show. A bit barren, but I did stumble across a few new finds. My first was one I was aware of before attending, but pleasantly pleased to find and get a chance to chat with. Boum, or Samantha Leriche-Gionet is a 27-ish freelance filmmaker, animator and illustrator who lives and works in Montreal, Canada. She is also very friendly and seems to have really weird dreams. Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Spare Keys for Strange Doors


Buffy and or say X-Files might be the best comparison for Spare Keys for Strange Doors. Or maybe Lost Girl if you know it. Toby Hathaway and Marion Sark are professional supernatural problem solvers.Read More

Webcomics Walkabout: Namesake

And now it’s time for a trip down the rabbit hole, over the rainbow and through the wardrobe. At least, if you happen to be named Alice, Dorothy or Peter. In that case, you may be a namesake. Read More